Our History.


TZY creative is a cultural management company located in Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, After Its opening  in 2012., TZY Creative carried on with the purpose to expand the Intercultura project., that was created with the aim of focussing on local cultures 

We work with all kinds of cultural projects including; the organization and management of events like congresses, conferences and classical music concerts.

After meeting Children’s International School Norway, which are an IBO authorised private international school for grades 1 to 10 with an extended Arts programme, we made the decision to join our common interest in this wonderful art, as well as in cultural sphere. We  started working together in 2017, in the organization of the International Music Day, which is celebrated every November 22nd.

After some years of experience, w decided to create the Canarian Classics company in order to diversify and offer a range of quality events for anyone interested in Arts, Philosophy, Literature and Music.

The people behind Canarian Classics

  • Dolore Rodriguez Afonso

    Creative Director

    Dolores has led projects that have been carried out in collaboration with public or private entities She has organised events like; International Book Day, International Children's Day, Poetry, as well as other kinds of cultural events.

    She has organised congresses and seminars with different topics; Literature, History, Music, Art, and Philosophy

  • Lise E. Holman


    Lise has taken her degrees at the University of Oslo (Language degrees) and Barrat Dues Musicinstitute (Music degree).

    She has founded 6 kindergartens, and 4 International Schools in Norway, and been involved in many different musical/cultural events like: The Mozartfestival, Ungdommens Pianomesterskap, Ungdommens Kulturmønstring, Sommersymfonien among others.

  • Fredrik B. Hansen


    Fredrik B. Hansen his is an educated teacher and economist. He has co-founded 6 kindergartens and 4 international schools with Lise in Norway.

    He has been in charge of finances and business management, and has experience from running cultural events in different settings.

What People Are Saying


We had a wonderfull experience in 2019, playing in Las Palmas with our students from Norway”

— Milutin Petrovic, violin teacher and conductor.

International Music Day in Alfredo Krauss in 2018 with Radio Classica and the Canaria TV broadcasting the students live, was indeed one of the students proudest moments that school year”

— Teacher, Children’s International School


International Music Day - bringing artists young and old together